Growth Groups


The mission statement of Bridgeway Church is, “Bringing people into life-changing relationships with Jesus Christ and each other.” Alongside our mission statement, one of our core values is “Authentic Community.” This simply means that no person should have to discover and engage in his or her own journey with God alone.

Growth Groups typically consist of about 10-15 people and are a great way to meet others, make lasting friendships, grow in a relationship with God, and make a difference in the life of someone else. Growth Groups offer our best environment of ministry care, support, and connection. We encourage everyone to get involved in a Growth Group this season.

This fall season some groups will be in-building and some will be online via Zoom, for those who are not yet comfortable meeting in-person.

There are two ways you can sign up for a Growth Group:

1) You can sign up right here by scrolling below and reviewing our catalogue and submitting a form by clicking the Register link below. 

2)  You can also visit the Growth Group Information Table in the atrium – ask any question you may have and register there with assistance if needed.

(After registering, you will be contacted by your group leader with specific details.)

Growth Groups Pastor
Email | 813.907.1313

Spring 2025 Catalog

              There are groups happening 7 days a week for you to choose from.  We offer groups for men, woman, singles, and more. You can view our list of Spring groups below.  Once you have read through this season’s groups at Bridgeway, simply click the “Sign-Up” button to register.

Each group has it’s own individual “Sign Up” button.  Once you have reviewed this season’s group in their entirety, simply select the group you would like to be a part of. You will be contacted by your group leader with specific details after registering or one our staff members.  


Sunday - Growth Groups

  • Growth GROUP: SUN 1 - International Growth Group

    Group Category: Open
    Study Material: FEARLESS: Imagine your life without fear, by Max Lucado
    Date/Time: 2nd & 4th Sundays @ 9:00am - 10:30am
    Location: Bridgeway Church (Heritage Room)
    Group Leaders:  Marcel & Yvette Fontin
    Contact Info:

    Bringing together all believers to discuss relevant and enriching subjects to learn about Jesus Christ, with people coming from all over the world and, the USA

    Thank you for registering

    SUN 1 - Sign Up

  • GROWTH GROUP: SUN 2 - The Apostle paul

    Group Category: Open
    Topic:  Bible Study
    Date/Time: Sundays @ 6:00pm - 7:30pm
    Location: Bridgeway Church
    Group Leader: Pastor Joel Eason, Pastor Bob Jonsson & Sherri Calkins
    Contact Info:

    Childcare: $5 per child; One-Time Fee

    Apart from Jesus, no one had a greater influence in founding Christianity than the Apostle Paul.   Join us as we dig deeper studying the 1st century cultural influences on the Apostle Paul.  We will review material from the book of Acts and his 13 letters that will give us insights into the Apostle Paul's life, his Christian conversion, his heart for the world, his theology and his impact on each of us.   This study will be a resource for those Following the Footsteps of Paul in Greece and Turkey with Bridgeway in the fall of 2025. This is also a great resource for those who are wanting to be inspired by the life of the Apostle Paul.

    SUN 2 - Sign Up

  • GROWTH GROUP: SUN 3 - Married and Engaged

                       “Fighting Fair” with Kirk & Chelsea Cameron

    Group Category: Married & Engaged Couples
    Topic/Study Material: Fighting Fair
    Date/Time:  Sundays @ 7:00pm - 8:15pm

    Location: Virtual Meeting (ZOOM)

    Group Leaders: Joe & Brenda Tomassi
    Contact Info:

    Christian marriage love is a persistent effort of a man and woman to create for each other the circumstances in which each can become the person God intended him or her to be, a better person than he or she could become alone.

    SUN 3 - Sign Up

  • GROWTH GROUP: SUN 4 - Divorce Care

           "The Journey Towards Healing Correctly"

    Group Category: Open
    Study Material: Divorce Care Curriculum
    Date/Time: Sundays @ 6:00pm - 7:30pm
    Group Leaders: Mark Ruiz & Julie Hoffman
    Contact Info:

    Childcare: $5 per child; One-Time Fee

    Divorce is a life changing event.  Divorce Care is offered to help men and women manage the stress of divorce and to embark on a journey of proper healing.  By healing properly, we mean bringing you and your decisions closer to Jesus Christ moving forward.  The growth group follows a 13-week Nationally recognized curriculum that covers a variety of topics, including deep hurt, grief/depression, loneliness, forgiveness, and hope.  Each session involves watching a 30-minute video followed by group discussion.  There is also the opportunity to meet others in a similar situation and to benefit from the support that comes from that fellowship.  The group is co-led by two individuals who have previously been through the group.    

    SUN 4 - Sign Up

  • GROWTH GROUP: SUN 5 - Defending Like A Detective

                     "Sharpen your apologetics skills with a detective"

    Group Category: Open
    Study Material: God's Crime Scene by J Warner Wallace
    Date/Time: Sundays @ 6:00pm - 7:30pm
    Group Leaders: Mike Linquist
    Contact Info:

    Childcare: $5 per child; One-Time Fee

    Dive into defending your Christian beliefs with renewed vigor! We will be covering the cosmological evidence, fine-tuning, origin of life, irreducible complexity, consciousness, free will, morality, and evil. We will be breaching all theses complex topics and having open discussion about each one. The format of the class is open forum to allow discussion as much as possible. The class will only be 8 weeks in duration.

    SUN 5 - Sign Up

  • GROWTH GROUP: SUN 6 - Grace Based Parenting

             "Equipping ourselves to raise kids who love Jesus"

    Group Category: Parents
    Study Material: RightNow Media Series
    Date/Time:  Sundays @ 6:00pm - 7:15pm

    Group Leaders: Cameron & Danielle Gasbarro
    Contact Info:

    Childcare: $5 per child; One-Time Fee

    "Grace based parenting is simply a plan for treating our children the way that God treats His." Every parent's goal is to raise their children in love while teaching them how to eventually live on their own. Our group is designed around young, expecting, and future families. Meetings will be centered around prayer, discussion, and learning more about God's word. We will discuss a series of videos by Cody Kimmel over 9 weeks on how to raise children using a foundation of God's grace as the blueprint. Childcare is provided.

    SUN 6 - Sign Up

  • GROWTH GROUP: SUN 7 - The Names of the Holy Spirit

                     "A right now media study for young couples"

    Group Category: Young Couples
    Study Material: Right now media: The Power of the Holy Spirit’s Names
    Date/Time:  Sundays @ 6:00pm - 7:30pm

    Group Leaders: Nathan & Mackenzie Willis
    Contact Info:

    Childcare: $5 per child; One-Time Fee

    The Holy Spirit can oftentimes be a misunderstood entity of the trinity. We encourage young couples to join this group to learn about the Holy Spirit through a right now media video series.

    SUN 7 - Sign Up

Monday - Growth Groups

  • GROWTH GROUP: MON 1 - Forgiving What you Can't Forget

    Group Category: Women
    Topic: Study book and Video by Lysa TerKeurst
    Date/Time: 2nd & 4th Mondays @ 7:00pm
    Group Leader: Penny Unmisig
    Contact Info:

    Childcare: $5 per child; One-Time Fee

    Our Goal- to build relationships with Jesus Christ and EACHOTHER!  Forgiveness is hard to do, especially when we have been wronged.  Our goal is to learn to forgive so WE can walk in peace.  During this study we will discover how to move on, make peace with painful memories, and create a life that's beautiful again.  

    MON 1 - Sign UP

  • GROWTH GROUP: MON 2 - The Exodus Continues

                            "Wandering in the Wilderness"

    Group Category: Open
    Study Material: Numbers/Deuteronomy/Bible Study
    Date/Time:  Mondays @ 7:00pm - 8:30pm
    Group Leader: Donna Stansell
    Contact Info:

    Childcare: $5 per child; One-Time Fee


    We continue the journey with the Israelites from Mt. Sinai to the Promised Land and search for the wealth of wilderness wanderings in their journey and in our own.

    MON 2 - Sign UP

  • GROWTH GROUP: MON 3 - The Best is Yet to Come

                               "Bible Prophecies Through the Ages"

    Group Category: Open                                                                                         
    Study Material: The Best is yet to come by Tony Evans
    Date/Time: Mondays @ 7:00pm - 8:30pm
    Group Leader: Don Mayberry
    Contact Info:

    "This is a DVD and book study every Monday night 7pm - 8:30pm.  Upstairs (to the left of the elevator). Don’t settle for anything less than the truth, God’s truth.  How do we know it’s true?  Much biblical prophecy has already been fulfilled with flawless accuracy, and true to the eternal changeless character of God.  All of Gods prophecies will be fulfilled.  So find out for yourself and watch God’s eternal glory of the ages unfold before your eyes.  This is a continuing study over the past year, but each chapter is a stand alone study by itself.  We will be covering the last 4 chapters of this book for this session, the topics we will be covering; What happens when we die?  What is Heaven like?  What is hell like? How should we live today?"

    MON 3 - Sign Up

  • GROWTH GROUP: MON 4 - Loving People, Hard to Love

                                    "Loving People who are hard to Love"

    Group Category: Women
    Study Material: Loving People who are Hard to Love by Joyce Meyers
    Date/Time: Mondays @ 7:00pm - 8:30pm
    Group Leader: Ronda Mayberry
    Contact Info:

    Childcare: $5 per child; One-Time Fee

    We live in challenging times, where we are faced with difficult situations and people.  In this book study, Joyce Meyers addresses loving those who are difficult to love and encourages us to see with God's eyes, showing us that love is more than a feeling; it's how we treat people.  

    MON 4 - Sign UP

  • GROWTH GROUP: MON 5 -  The Book of Judges

    Group Category: Couples & Families
    Study Material: The Book of Judges - Right Now Media Series by J.D. Greear
    Date/Time: Mondays @ 6:00pm - 7:30pm
    Group Leader:  Tyler & Audrey Mrowiec
    Contact Info:

    Childcare: $5 per child; One-Time Fee

    We are a group of young families who meet to fellowship, dive into God's Word, and pray together. This semester we will be doing a deep dive into the book of Judges by leveraging a RightNow Media Series by J.D. Greear. Throughout the series we will work through each chapter unpacking the truth of God’s grace in the midst of human wickedness, and learn how only the divine can redeem the fallen. We hope you will join us this spring beginning on February 3 and ending on May 5th with a break week during Pasco County spring break (March 17).

    MON 5 - Sign UP

TUesday - Growth Groups

  • GROWTH GROUP: TUES 1 - The Case for an Unhurried Life

    Group Category: Open
    Topic:  Bible Study / RightNow Media
    Date/Time: Tuesdays @ 7:00pm - 8:30pm
    Location: Bridgeway Church
    Group Leader: Bob & Nancy Jonsson; Paula O'Neil
    Contact info:

    Many of us battle jam-packed schedules, an addiction to phones and social media, and lives filled to the brim every moment of the day. How does our busy lifestyle impact our walk with Christ?  In this RightNow media series John Mark Comer is going to walk us through why eliminating hurry in our lives is the key to deepening our spiritual lives.   With others in this group we will discuss and seek to apply the principles of Jesus to find rest for our souls.

    TUES 1 - Sign Up

  • GROWTH GROUP: TUES 2 - The Book of Acts

                                    "A verse-by-verse study"

    Group Category: Open

    Study Material: The Bible plus Study Questions (Provided in class)
    Date/Time: Tuesdays @ 7:00pm - 8:30pm

    Location: Bridgeway Church

    Group Leader: Sherri Calkins
    Contact Info:

    Learn about the people, geography and history of the first century church and the spread of the gospel.  From the Great Commission and following the ascension of Jesus, the story and mission of the church, empowered by the Holy Spirit, begins here!  God is calling us to be a part of that same story and mission today.  We will follow along with "Bible Backroads", a RightNow Media video companion hosted by Dave Stotts, host of "Drive Thru History".

    TUES 2 - Sign Up

  • GROWTH GROUP: TUES 3 - Money For Millennials

    Group Category: Open
    Topic: Money for Millennials
    Date/Time: Tuesdays @ 6:00pm - 8:00pm
    Location: Bridgeway Church

    Group Leaders: Larry Guilford
    Contact info:

    "Money for Millennials. No, this is not a get rich quick type group about money, this is a group that can help you in dealing with money.  The most important fact about money is that it is not about the amount you make,      but rather it is about the amount you keep!  

    How much have you been able to keep so far? Did you know that “almost half (49%) of U.S. adults admit they wouldn’t be able to cover a $1,000 emergency using only cash or their banking accounts?”  

    Can you? Did you know that 72% of adults feel stressed about money, whether it's worrying about paying rent or feeling bogged down by debt.  

    Are you? Your life is governed by your finances, are you ready to take control of your life?"

    TUES 3 - Sign UP

  • GROWTH GROUP: TUES 4 - Alpha for New Believers

    Group Category: New Believers

    Topic: Fundamentals for a new believer in the faith
    Date/Time: Tuesdays @ 6:30pm

    Location: Bridgeway Church

    Group Leader: Fernando Rojas & Janet Hernandez-Rojas
    Contact Info:

    Come join us if you are new believer where we will discuss and learn foundational topics to the Christian faith. For the next seven weeks we will discuss and answers questions about Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and God.

    TUES 4 - Sign Up

Wednesday - Growth Groups

  • GROWTH GROUP: WED 1 - Mom’s Group

                                   "Doing Life Together"

    Group Category: Moms of all ages

    Study Material:  Parenting Devotional
    Date/Time: Wednesday @ 7:00pm

    Location:  Virtual Meeting (ZOOM)

    Group Leader: Julianna Osborne

    Contact Info:

    We are embracing the joys and challenges of motherhood at all stages, leaning on each other for prayer, encouragement, and strength. What a beautiful way to navigate life together!

    wed 1 - Sign Up

  • GROWTH GROUP: WED 2 - Financial Peace

    Group Category: Open
    Study Material: Dave Ramsey Financial Piece Course Work
    Date/Time: Wednesdays @ 6:30pm - 8:00pm
    Location: Bridgeway Church

    Group Leaders: Bob & Jill Klorer
    Contact info:

    "Utilizing Dave Ramsey's teaching and material to aid and assist those dealing with financial challenges. Also utilizing biblical teachings thru out the study to show importance of preparing for your future and getting out of debt, great for couples and also highly recommend for single adults."

    wed 2 - Sign up

  • GROWTH GROUP: WED 3 -  Wellness Revelation

                                              "Reimagine Wholeness"

    Group Category: Open
    Study Material:  The Wellness Revelation by Alisa Keeton
    Date/Time: Wednesdays @ 7:00pm - 8:30pm

    Location: Bridgeway Church (Elementary Room)

    Group Leaders: Anita Alexander & Cela Webster
    Contact info:

    Start the new year with a healthier, more whole you—body, mind, and soul. This eight-week Bible study based on The Wellness Revelation will help you uncover the spiritual freedom to live fully in Christ. This transformative program dives deep into the root issues of our hearts to uncover the spiritual freedom that allows us to live full, rich lives in Christ. Each session will also include a visioning segment to align your goals with God’s purpose for your life. Join us as we reimagine wellness and grow in faith, health, and intentionality. Sign up today!

    wed 3 - Sign Up


                          "Becoming like Jesus"

    Group Category: Men
    Study Material: The Book of Ephesians
    Date/Time: Wednesdays @ 7:00pm - 8:30pm
    Location: Bridgeway Church (Pre-School Room)

    Group Leaders: Richard Rigg & Paul Groomes
    Contact info:

    Kingsmen study God's word to know and love Him more, and to love each other as well.  In addition, Kingsmen embark on the life-changing journey of holding each other accountable in community, [As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." (Prov. 27:17)], and daily become "more like Jesus" and shine His light in this dark world.

    wed 4 - Sign up

  • GROWTH GROUP: WED 5 - Wednesday Women's Gathering

    Group Category: Women
    Topic: Women's Bible Topics
    Date/Time: Wednesdays @ 10:00am
    Location: Bridgeway Church

    Group Leaders: Jennifer Hernandez
    Contact info:

    The best way to change your life is opening God's Word.  Another great way to change your life is opening God's Word with friends.  Join us as we walk through different topics that are relevant for living a life committed to Jesus.  

    wed 5 - Sign up

  • GROWTH GROUP: WED 6 - "Seconds, Please!"

    Group Category: Women
    Topic: Bridgeway Sunday Messages
    Date/Time: Wednesday @ 6:45pm - 8:15pm
    Location: Home Hosted (Wesley Chapel)
    Group Leader:  Ginger Sciame
    Contact info:

    If you are looking for interactive discussion and further study of the Word we receive each week at Bridgeway, this is the group for you!  Join other ladies of faith for a "second helping" of the message, ideas of how to individually apply it to our lives, fellowship and prayer.  Curriculum is provided each week at church, so bring your Bible and sermon notes and come grow with us!

    wed 6 - Sign up

THursday - Growth Groups

  • GROWTH GROUP: THURS 1 - Thursday Morning Bible Study

    Group Category: Open
    Topic:  Malachi- Right Now Media
    Date/Time: Thursdays @ 10:00am - 11:30am

    Location: Bridgeway Church (Heritage Room)

    Group Leader: Roxanne Richards & Ronda Mayberry
    Contact Info: 

    Mediocrity was never God’s plan for you. In this challenging six-part series, Dave Cornes cuts to the chase by letting us listen in on six conversations between God and His people, recorded by the prophet Malachi. If you’re tired of going through the motions of an attendance-based faith, then discover what it means to live a vibrant, abundant life fully devoted to the God whose immeasurable love for you is based on His promise, not your performance. Recover faithfulness in your relationships. Learn to practise world-changing justice and radical generosity. And even amidst the struggles and imperfections of your ordinary life, embrace the extraordinary righteousness that is yours through Jesus.

    THURs 1 - Sign Up

  • GROWTH GROUP: THURS 2 - Intercessory Prayer

    Group Category: Open
    Study Material: "Spiritual Warfare" by Richard Ing.
    Date/Time: Thursdays @ 10:00am - 12:00pm

    Location: Bridgeway Church Cafe

    Group Leader(s): Jerri Caines, Cindy Tice & Beverlie McDonald
    Contact Info:

    Intercessory Prayer focuses on all aspects of prayer putting into practice  all that we learn.  This session will include emphasis on spiritual warfare using a book of instruction by Richard Ing.  Join us as we grow in prayer, in worship and in fellowship with each other.  

    Thurs 2 - Sign UP

  • GROWTH GROUP: THURS 3 - True Spirituality

             "How can we deny ourselves and follow Christ?"

    Group Category: Open
    Topic: True Spirituality by Francis Schaeffer (copy will be provided)
    Date/Time: Thursdays @ 7:00pm - 8:30pm
    Location: Home Hosted (Wesley Chapel)
    Group Leaders: Michelle Meaton
    Contact Info:

    We know Jesus' words, "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me." (Matthew 16:24) But what does that truly mean? How do we track our life steps on the map drawn by the Holy Spirit and what implications might there be in the spiritual world? We will explore the second part of Francis Shaeffer's book (the first part will be summarized, and the book will be provided), meeting every other Thu in a home-hosted environment.

    THURS 3 - Sign UP

  • GROWTH GROUP: THURS 4 - Celebrate Recovery

    Group Category: Open  
    Topic: 12-Step Recovery Group
    Date/Time: Thursdays @ 6:30pm - 9:00pm
    Location: Bridgeway Church (Elementary Room)
    Group Leaders: Garry Kessler
    Contact Info:

    Celebrate Recovery is a biblical and balanced program that helps us overcome our hurts, habits, and hang-ups by showing the loving power of Jesus Christ through a recovery process. It is a safe place to find community & freedom from the issues that are controlling our lives. Celebrate Recovery is in over 35,000 churches worldwide! If you really desire support, true life-change, and empowerment to become all you were meant to be, this is the group for you!

    THURS 4 - Sign Up

  • GROWTH GROUP: THURS 5 - One Nation Under God?

                                      "Is America a Christian Nation?"

    Group Category: Open
    Topic: The 5,000 Year Leap by W. Cleon Skousen
    Date/Time: Thursdays @ 7:00pm - 8:30pm

    Group Leaders: Joe & Cindy Bray
    Contact info:  

    Now that the craziness of the election season is past, we will take a measured look at the Biblical values that kick-started America - and that they never told us about in school.  For instance, did you know...that our Founding Fathers quoted the Bible more than any other book?  That "the separation of church and state" is not found in any of our founding documents?  That America was never intended to be a democracy?  That the checks-and-balances we take for granted had never been tried before in the history of the world?  That its authors considered the Constitution to be a miraculous document?  This study will make us grateful and proud to be Americans - and it will make us better Christian citizens as well.

    THURS 5 - Sign UP


                                             "Play, Fellowship, and Prayer"

    Group Category: Moms
    Topic:  Fellowship & Prayer
    Date/Time: Thursdays @ 9:30am - 11:30am
    Location: Home Hosted
    Group Leaders: Amanda Boynes
    Contact Info:

    This is a group for toddler moms (though stay at home moms of children of all ages are welcome to join) to meet up and fellowship while our children play at local parks. Outside of group meeting time we will have the opportunity to virtually complete a devotional together and share prayer requests so that we may not only fellowship with each other and our children but grow closer to the Lord while doing so! We hope you will join us this fall. Please note that upon signup for this group a list of meeting dates and park locations will be provided.

    THURS 6 - Sign UP

  • GROWTH GROUP: THURS 7 - Worship, Learn, & PlaY

    Group Category: Caregivers & Kids
    Topic:  Bible Stories & Lessons
    Date/Time: Thursdays @ 10:00am - 11:00am
    Location: Bridgeway Church
    Group Leaders:  Julie Sorrentino & Kellianne Podsiad
    Contact Info:

    Every other Thursday @ 10-11 am

    Learn Bible stories through kid friendly worship songs, stories, crafts, and play time.

    THURS 7 - Sign UP

friday - Growth Groups

  • GROWTH GROUP: FRI 1 - Men's II CorinthianS study

    Group Category: Men
    Topic: Bible Study
    Date/Time: Fridays @ 7:00am - 8:00am
    Location: Bridgeway Church (Heritage Room)
    Group Leaders: Pastor Bob Jonsson, Dan Nash
    Contact Info:

    Every Friday morning a group of men gather for an hour to talk about our lives and challenges and dig into the Bible for inspiration and guidance. Our focus, as we start a new year, will be reading and discussing the Apostle Paul's second letter to the church at Corinth.   There will be lots of practical nuggets for us as we dive into Paul's compassionate letter to the church.

    FRI 1 - Sign Up

  • GROWTH GROUP: FRI 2 - Prayer Shawl Ministry

    Group Category: Open
    Topic: Bridgeway Prayer Shawl Ministry
    Date/Time: 2nd & 4th Fridays @ 10:00am - 11:30am
    Location: Bridgeway Church (Heritage Room)
    Group Leader: Roxanne Richards
    Contact Info:  

    Bridgeway’s Prayer Shaw Ministry is designed to share God‘s healing touch and comforting spirit through a crocheted or knitted blanket or shawl. Each is handmade by faithful people who love the Lord and have prayed over each stitch as they are constructed. These items represent Jesus’ loving arms enveloping the recipient in warmth, comfort, healing, and peace. If you would like to be part of this amazing ministry, but do not know how to crochet or  knit we have people willing to teach you. Come join us and see how God is working through this special ministry in our church and beyond.

    fri 2 - Sign Up


    Group Category: Open (ages 55+)
    Topic: Christian living, JOY (Just Older Youth)
    Date/Time: 1st and 3rd Fridays @ 11:00am-1:00pm
    Location: Bridgeway Church (Auditorium)
    Group Leaders: Pastor Bob Jonsson; Larry & Lois Quinn
    Contact Info:

    If you are 55 years or older, you will love Bridgeway's JOY (Just Older Youth)  ministry! We meet on the first and third Fridays at church for laughter, inspiration, fellowship, friendship and a wonderful lunch. Come join us!!


    fri 3 - Sign Up

  • GROUP ID: FRI 4 - Widows Group ‘GLOW’

                                "God Loves our Widows"

    Group Category: Women (Widows)

    Topic: Fellowship and Encouragement

    Date/Time: 4th Fridays @ 12:00pm
    Location: Bridgeway Church (Cafe)

    Group Leaders: Jerri Caines & Jane Condrey
    Contact Info:

    Our focus is revealed in our name,GLOW, which stands for God Loves Our Widows. Our objectives are to reach all of our church widows, sharing concerns, offering encouragement, fellowship and help with spiritual and emotional needs.

    fri 4 - Sign UP

  • GROUP ID: FRI 5 - GriefShare

    "Helping those who've lost a loved one"

    Group Category: Open
    Topic: The GriefShare Curriculum
    Date/Time: Fridays @ 6:00pm - 8:00pm
    Location: Bridgeway Church (Heritage Room)
    Group Leader: Travis Moffitt
    Contact Info:

    We are honored to walk along with you on this grief journey. At Bridgeway Church we are focused on caring for our community in a loving, Christ-centered way. This GriefShare gathering is open to both men and women. Please feel free to reach out with any questions that you may have.

    fri 5 - SIGN UP

saturday - Growth Groups

  • GROWTH GROUP: SAT 1 - Men’s Romans Study

                   "A deep dive into the Word verse-by-verse"

    Group Category: Men's
    Study Material: The Book of Romans & Romans: Journible-The 17:18 Series
    Date/Time: Saturdays @ 8:00am

    Location: Bridgeway Church

    Group Leaders: Sung Park
    Contact Info:

    We are studying through the Book of Romans one verse at a time to dive deep into the meaning through lively discussions. We've covered through Chapter 7 in the past year so we will pick back up from Chapter 8, the apex of the book. For those who missed the previous sessions, we will review the overview of Chapters 1-7 at the beginning so that you can join right along with the rest of the group.

    SAT 1 - Sign Up